More Than a Front End Developer - Asa Lau

Tell us about your role at Decision Time?

My role involves converting the visual designs into interactive web pages. Specifically, it consists of making the web pages responsive and accessible to various users. I work closely with the UX/UI designer and the backend team. Other responsibilities include keeping daily website accessibility checks, monthly frontend security checks and keeping libraries up to date.

How long have you been with the company and how did you come to work here?

I started Decision Time in September 2020. I previously worked for a web agency, and I always had it in the back of my mind that I'd like to switch to product-based work if the opportunity came up. I was later recommended by a friend I previously worked with about a frontend developer role at Decision Time. I went through the recruiting process and, fortunately, was successful.

Describe a typical day working at Decision Time.

My day starts with organising my tasks and sorting through which are the priority for that day. After this, we have our daily morning stand up meeting with the development team. The meeting will involve discussing what we are working on and if there are any roadblocks or challenges we need to share. After the stand-up, I tackle any issues and work through my main priorities and projects, including deadlines that need to be completed.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I love working with the UX/UI and backend team. Everyone is really easy to work with and constantly share their knowledge to make everything go smoothly. I also enjoy the constant learning at Decision Time. Our management team actively encourage growth and learning through online courses and masterclasses. Often, I get the opportunity to improve my skillset and then implement it into the product. It's a rewarding process to see customers using the software that you have built and been part of.
What are the biggest challenges of your role?

One of the biggest challenges would be the frontend performance. You want to make sure each page is optimised as best as possible to cut out any potential slow loading or other issues. Other challenges include supporting a variety of browsers (modern and old). Our customers use various web browsers, and we need to ensure that our code is compatible across devices and browsers. There is a lot of attention to detail in this role, ensuring that the user experience is as seamless as possible.

Tell us something interesting about yourself.

I enjoy car detailing, whether it's my own car or even someone else's. I love bringing a car back to pristine condition, even if it takes 5-6 hours of the day. In short, I'm the neighbour you see washing their car every week even while it rains!

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